Si-Gene Biotech

About Us

Shanghai Si-Gene Biotech Co., Ltd, nurtured by Shanghai Industrial µTechnology Research Institute (SITRI), is a high-tech innovation company committed to using semiconductor chip technique to serve the life science and broad health industry.

Micro-nanofluidic chip nucleic acid amplification analyzer, the first product developed by Si-Gene, is an emergency project of the national focused R&D plan. In addition to the high sensitivity and specificity of traditional PCR, the ultrafast nucleic acid detection technique developed by the team has shortened the PCR amplification detection process from over 1 hour to 5 minutes, and 30 minutes for novel coronavirus test specifically to complete the process of nucleic acid extraction, reverse transcription and amplification detection. With the research and development of new techniques and products related to molecular detection, we are advancing the combination of biotechnology and chip technique and bringing more products to market.